Why is My Arlo Wire-Free Camera Not Streaming?

Are you experiencing streaming issues while watching a video on your Arlo Wire-Free camera? If yes, then this may be happening because of three reasons. These reasons include low battery, camera not in range, and signal interference.

To Fix the Problem of Arlo Wire-Free Camera not Streaming, These are a Few Things that You need to Do:

Arlo Wire-Free Camera not Streaming

1) Change Your Arlo Camera’s Battery

Arlo Camera Not Streaming

You may encounter streaming issues because of low battery. To solve this problem, all you need to do is to replace the batteries in your Arlo camera. Please make sure that there are minimum two battery bars. If the battery is low, then it can cause the problem of intermittent streaming.

2) Minimize Signal Interference of Arlo Camera

Arlo Wifi Camera Not Streaming

If your base station is kept in an area where there are several wireless devices, then there is a chance that you are facing Arlo wire-free camera not streaming problem because of network interference.

To get rid of this problem, reduce the number of transmitted frequencies, wireless devices, and wireless networks in the place where you have kept your Arlo camera and base station.

There should be a distance of 3 meters between your camera and base station. If there are two cameras, then there should be a distance of 2 meters between the two. It is important to keep your cameras at a distance to avoid signal interferences.

3) Range of Arlo Camera

Arlo Wifi Camera Not Streaming

Please ensure that your camera isn’t too far away from the base station. Your base station should not be kept at a distance of more than 90 meters from your Arlo camera. You can keep both of them close if there are ceilings, walls, and metal objects in between.

Also ensure that your camera’s signal strength is excellent in the place where you have installed it. You may experience the issue of intermittent streaming due to environmental interferences if the signal strength is poor.

So these were a few things that you need to do to fix the problem of Arlo Wi-Fi camera not streaming. If your Wi-Fi camera is not streaming because of low battery issues, then replace the batteries.

If you are encountering this difficulty due to signal interferences, then reduce down the number of devices and networks in the area where you have kept your base station and camera. Also, check that your Arlo camera and base station are not kept far away from each other.

  • lay  Published by: Blaze
  • lay  Brand: Arlo Doorbell
  • lay  Last Update: 1 month ago